The kids were really focussed and worked very hard to plant 2,500 shrubs, grasses and trees in the lower paddock. This time we had the kids concentrate on back filling the upper area that we direct seeded this time last year - mainly with grasses and shrubs but they also filled in some areas we missed last year around the rocky outcrops and one of the drainage lines at the bottom of the paddock.
Overall they did an excellent job. Tim Bligh and myself were extremely impressed, when we walked around after and saw how well they had planted and staked the guards. They really listened to our introduction at the beginning.
So thanks kids and teachers and parents - a job well done !!!
Tanya Johnson from the local branch of Jemena came out later to lend a hand and she's keen to come out again next Thursday, when we hope to continue planting with students from Warrnambool College.
Thanks to Jemena for the funding and demonstrating such a strong committment to supporting local environmental projects. We anticipate that Jemana funded works at Tozer Reserve will be completed in the next 10 months with further tree planting, the development of a walking track/driveway, additional weed maintenance, fixing of fences, flora and fauna mapping with volunteers and the development of signage for the walking track.
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