Basalt to Bay Landcare Network recieved $62,000 from Mobile Muster via Landcare Australia this year to plant 31,000 trees. As a result we engaged 12 landholders to plant seedlings (15, 265) and 11 landholders to direct seed 18.755 ha (approximately 85,000 trees).
3 public sites were involved, including Hopkins Falls, Tozer Reserve and Hawkesdale Common.
Students from 4 schools helped plant some 6,000 trees during 4 community planting days. Several community groups were also involved in planting days, including the Warrnambool Motorcycle Club and Hopkins Moyne Landcare Network.
Trees were planted in some areas, where little native vegetation is found such as at Lake Gillear between Allansford and Mepunga.
A big thanks to Mobile Muster and Landcare Australia for getting behind this project. And thanks to all the volunteers who assisted us in transforming the landscape. And finally, thanks to all the Landholders who who participated in the project. Job well done !
For further information about Mobile Muster see their website at : .