- The CPRS is a cap & trade system
- The government will cap the no. of permits
- 70 % of permits will be auctioned off, 25 % will go to trade exposed sectors that are emissions intensive and 5-6 % will go towards the electricity adjustment scheme
- The scheme will target the 1000 highest emitters, who represent 75 % of all emissions
- The feds are committed to reducing Australia's emissions by 5 % (unconditionally, even if there is no international agreement on set reductions) and up to 15 (if there is an international agreement on emissions reductions)
- Incentives and financial support will be offered to offset additional costs but this will be reduced over time
- The Australian Climate Change Regulatory Authority will be established in 2010
- Business will be encouraged to favour clean energies or more efficient energy practices
- Agriculture (which represents 16 % of emissions) will not be included until 2015 (with the final decision to be made in 2013)
- revegetation of the native environment is seen as a viable means to offset costs through the aquisition of carbon credits
DPI & South West Climate Change Forum will host an information session on Emission Trading Schemes and Carbon Calculators on Monday 2nd March 2009 1.00-3.00pm at DemoDairy (7161 Princes Hwy, Terang). Further information is availible from the SWCCF website http://www.swccf.com.au/ .
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