Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Basalt to Bay has a new Coordinator

Hello everyone

Apologies for such a long delay between postings. Richard resigned back in August and we have been busy getting our new Coordinator, Michael Wright up to speed. What is wonderful is that Mick has hit the ground running with site visits to the reserves and properties which are taking the 20,000 trees funded from the Avatar movie. Plantings had to occur this spring.

Mick resides in Koroit and has been involved in many local landcare groups including Friends of Tower Hill and Killarney CoastCare group. His last position was with the Warrnambool City Council supervising participants in developing on the job skills by undertaking various environmental projects.

If you want to contact Mick he works Tuesdays and Wednesdays with his desk number being 5564 2607 and mobile 0459 524 556.

After such a wet winter, our next field day planned for Wednesday 27 October should be a winner. The focus is on wetlands - what attracts birds and wildlife to some wetlands and not others and what elements do you need to have a ecologically diverse wetland which will benefit so many of our regional species. The day starts at 10.00am meeting at the Caramut wetland on the intersection of the Hamilton Hwy and the Warrnambool - Caramut Rd intersection. The tour will then move to a the Wales property 6km north of Caramut to view a 20ha wetland developed 15 years ago which attracts a wide range of birds and animals including ducks, swans. egrets, spoonbills, stilts, herons, frogs, wallabies etc. Participants will be able to ask questions of our guest experts, Dr Michelle Casanova and Sue Mudford from Trust for Nature about how to develop or enhance a wetland on their own properties to create a wildlife haven.

We will finish up with lunch - so please contact Mick if you intend to come for catering purposes and for further details. B.Y.O gumboots, camera, binoculars, sun hat and chair.

Background on speakers:

Dr Michelle Casanova grew up in Lake Bolac in the western district of Victoria. She studied Marine Biology at James Cook University, then a PhD on water plants in the Botany Department of UNE in Armidale, working as a tutor and researcher there until 1998. Michelle now lives on a farm at Westmere, where they grow wheat, barley, canola, oats and fine-wool merinos. She has worked as a consultant on wetlands, and water plant biodiversity, and some of the work has been in documenting the diversity of a particular group of plants called 'charophytes' for the Australian Biological Resources Study through the Royal Botanic Gardens. Michelle is passionate about wetlands and biodiversity conservation and the necessity of incorporating conservation practices into productive agricultural systems.

Sue Mudford has professional experience in risk management, governance, community engagement, facilitation, regional development, biodiversity and conservation. She is actively involved in Landcare and conservation activities and is Regional Manager for the Glenelg Hopkins area for Trust for Nature. Sue lives on a property near Woorndoo and has extensive experience in developing and promoting wetlands and the importance of these habitats to the regional biodiversity. Recently Sue has promoted wetland protection by assisting to form the ‘Friends of the Brolga” group and with a membership of 400 people state-wide, interest by farmers in brolgas is high.

Cheers Karen Wales
Chair Basalt to Bay LCN

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adios Amigos

Hey Folks, as of this Friday I will be leaving as coordinator of Basalt to Bay Landcare Network.

I have made a heart felt decision to move on, so that I can devote my energies to other areas of my life that I have been neglecting.

During my time with the network, we have achieved many wonderful things including on ground projects with some 21 landholders and 8 public reserves/sites, equating to some 114,000 trees. We have delivered 6 capacity building activities, involved 400 plus volunteers, developed a strategic plan and a web log. In recent months I have secured funding for another 20,000 trees to be planted at 3 reserves and 2 landholder sites. I have also set about seeking expressions of interest for funding for a further possible 25 land holder projects around Belfast Loch.

I had great ambitions for the network and was unable to realise all of them but I am still happy with what I have been able to achieve.

There are many highlights for me but none greater than the relationships I have formed with many wonderful people along the way (especially enthusiastic land holders) and the opportunity to play a small part in rejuvinating the brutalised landscape of the green desert.

Few people seem to realise how much effort some people put into caring about the local environment. Many people go unrecognised in their efforts, despite achieving great things. A few people I would like to recognise for their outstanding contribution to local environmental conservation include :
  • Don McTaggart
  • Ian Bodycoat
  • John Amor (RIP)
  • John Norton
  • Peter Bolte
  • Richard Weatherley
  • Brenton Bartsch
  • Carolyn Rundell
  • Dean Suckling
  • Matthew Ebden.
I would also like to recognise the input and connection to country of the local Gunditjmarra people, who have gone largely unheard by local NRM groups.

Thank you to the support of local agency staff and staff in Landcare Australia Limited, especially :
  • Mary Johnson, Dave Nichols, Tony Lithgow & Margie Finnegan of Glenelg Hopkins CMA
  • Francis Jeon-Ellis, John Bott & Shivani Jayasinghe of LAL
  • Carolyn Rundell of Trust for Nature
  • Jonathon Lee of Conservation Volunteers
  • Marty Gent of DSE
  • Matthew Ebden of Deakin University.
Thank you to everyone for their ongoing support and interest in healing Gunditjmarra land.

I wish you all the best in health, happiness and harmony.

Richard Hudson.

PS. From this point onwards key contact for the network will be Karen Wales (Network Chair) via email : basalttobay@gmail.com or 55 620 021.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Creating Landscapes to Attract Birds

On Friday 13th August, Basalt to Bay will be running the Creating Landscapes to Attract Birds workshop in St Helens - north of Yambuk. Keynote speakers will be Rod Bird from Hamilton Field Nats and Jonathon Lee. During this workshop, participants will learn about :
  • Identifying key local species
  • Guidelines for designing landscapes to attract birds
  • The benefits of birds
Where : 185 St Helens Rd, St Helens (Google maps will help/car pool may be available)
When : Workshop starts at 9:30 am and finishes at 1 pm
Cost : Free

Picnic lunch and drinks provided, as well as a goody bag with relevant information.
Please RSVP asap by calling Richard Hudson on 0458 268 119 (or by emailing richardb2b@gmail.com) or Karen Wales 55 620 021.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Group Rocks !

Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Group has done it again, winning the prestigious Australian Government Coastcare Award with their Maremma Dogs project on Middle Island.

Congratulations to Don McTaggart , Ian Fitzgibbon and the rest of the team at WCLCG for their fantastic win. The tireless efforts of the group have resulted in the development of a highly innovative project, using Maremma dogs to protect Little Penguins on Middle Island, from their major predator - foxes. Further information about the project can be found here : http://svc009.wic050p.server-web.com/nationalawards2010/?page_id=202 and here : http://www.wclg.com.au/middle-island/

Resource Update 4

Hey Folks : Just to let you know that things are still busy at this end - lots happening with new funding submissions and new projects that we're developing for next year. Also a reminder that info will be posted soon regarding the upcoming Birds on Farms workshop.

Here are some relevant resource links that have come my way the last few weeks :
  • Community Action Grants : http://www.maff.gov.au/media/media_releases/2010/june/further_$8_million_community_action_grants_for_community_groups
  • National Landcare Awards : http://svc009.wic050p.server-web.com/nationalawards2010/?page_id=1508
  • news from SW Climate Change : http://swccf.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=29&Itemid=26
  • Suregro reveg products : http://www.suregro.com/
  • Dairying for Tomorrow : http://www.dairyingfortomorrow.com/
  • Stipa native Grasses Association : http://www.stipa.com.au/
  • Demo Dairy What's On page : http://www.demodairy.org.au/joomla15/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15&Itemid=7
  • Pulse Oz : http://www.pulseaus.com.au/

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Resource Update 3

Hey folks, here are some relevant resource links that have come to my attention since the last update :

  • Victorian Conservation Management Network : http://www.vvpcmn.org/
  • NE Dung Beetle project - kit availible : http://northeast.landcarevic.net.au/dungbeetle/projects/do-it-with-dung/dung-beetle-resource-package
  • Do it with Dung Dung Beetle Newsletters : http://northeast.landcarevic.net.au/dungbeetle/projects/do-it-with-dung/do-it-with-dung-newsletters
  • Dung Beetle Articles : http://northeast.landcarevic.net.au/dungbeetle/projects/do-it-with-dung/dung-beetle-articles
  • Dung Beetle ID Guide : http://northeast.landcarevic.net.au/dungbeetle/projects/do-it-with-dung/dung-beetle-identification-chart/DUNG-BEETLE-IDENTIFICATION-GUIDE.pdf/view
  • Victorian Dung Beetle E-Forum : http://mc2.vicnet.net.au/home/beetles/index.html
  • Landcare Australia on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=107873861044&share_id=369259282292&comments=1#!/landcareaustralia
  • Landcare after 20 years on Landline : http://www.abc.net.au/landline/content/2010/s2869583.htm
  • Landlink Landcare Australia Newsletter : http://braveclients.com.au/landcare/landcare/edm1_html/index.html
  • Indigenous Landcare : http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/05/19/2903312.htm?site=idx-act (a good possibility for our region ?)
  • Free Dung Beetle Package : http://www.landcarevic.net.au/news/dung-beetle-resource-package
  • Start Up Grants : http://glenelg-hopkins.landcarevic.net.au/news/start-up-grants
  • International Centre for Excellence in Landcare : http://www.landcare.com.au/
  • Landcare Case Studies : http://svc018.wic008tv.server-web.com/news_details.asp?sType=news&news_id=287&from=archive
  • Regenerating Native Pastures : http://svc018.wic008tv.server-web.com/case_study.asp?cID=195
  • Managing Dairy Effluent : http://svc018.wic008tv.server-web.com/case_study.asp?cID=188
  • New Fodder Crops for Sheep : http://svc018.wic008tv.server-web.com/case_study.asp?cID=222
  • Free Online Videos for Your Group : http://animoto.com/

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kick Start Your Reserve Bus Tour

Last Friday Basalt to Bay ran our long awaited Kick Start Your Reserve Bus tour - after 2 previous cancellations. The tour visited Tozer Reserve, Yatmerone Reserve (Penshurst), Hawkesdale Common, Hawkesdale Racecourse Reserve and Pallisters Reserve. 10 people took their place on the bus with another 8 visitors joining us at individual sites. It was a great day for all with plenty of time out doors and lots information about current projects, opportunities for networking and heaps of food (we try hard to fatten our guests !).

The tour profiled a wide spectrum of reserves. Many reserves have the potential for the involvement of large numbers of volunteers and to be used as environmental education sites, while others have the opportunity for additional on ground projects.
Pallisters Reserve is clearly the bench mark when it comes to local reserves but all the reserves had something special to offer. Tozer Reserve shows great promise as an environmental education center close to Warrnambool, Yatmerone is a great site for bird watchers, Hawkesdale Common is a great education site for local flora, while Hawkesdale Racecourse Reserve has plenty to offer, including club rooms which could be used for environmental education, a wide selection of native grasses and native orchids and is host to the largest Manna Gum in the region and a huge number of swamp rats !

Given the postive feedback that we recieved in response to the tour, it's likely that we'll have a follow up tour next year.

Thanks to the Department of Planning & Community Development for the funding to run the bus tour and Glenelg Hopkins CMA for resource support.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Victorian Landcare Gateway Training

Does your group need an effective way to inform your local community and members what is happening, events that are coming up, and group projects? Do you want to better promote the group and its activities?

The Victorian Landcare Gateway www.landcarevic.net.au has been designed to make it easier for groups to:

  • add or update information on the group
  • add news or events, including opportunities for volunteers to participate
  • add newsletters and photos
  • describe or promote group projects
  • find other related groups or projects
  • map activities or projects

When Groups have their information listed, community users can:

  • find information on topics of interest
  • find their local group
  • volunteer for events in their area
  • link to groups of interest

All this is free for Landcare and related groups. The Gateway has been designed to enable people with basic computer skills to maintain and edit their group information and notices, so you do not need to be a computer whiz to use the site.

There are opportunities available for Landcare and related Group members to attend a training day on how to use the Gateway. THE TRAINING IS FREE.

I have organised training days for Hamilton 10/5/10, Portland 11/5/10, Warrnambool 12/5/10 and Ararat 13/5/10.

If these days do not suit we can make some other arrangements. Please call me to book a position or discuss options.

Thank you for taking the opportunity to participate in the Gateway Training. The following are some house keeping we need to take care of before the day.

1 – if you do not yet have a username on the Gateway you must register and login well before the training. (Visit the Gateway and click on New User link in Login Box)

2 – It is essential that you have logged in at least once, know your username and password and can login on the day –there is no guarantee that this can be done on the day as password reset is dependent upon email access – so please log in to be sure you can remember the details on the day. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT!!!

3 – You will need to be provided with management rights to your group site. I will arrange for this to happen. It would be helpful if you Email the name of the group you will be using to make sure I have them right. I realise some groups are not set up yet. I will rectify this.

What to bring to the training, preferably in electronic file:

1- An example of an event – field day, workshop, forum notice

2- A news item/media release

3- A digital image or two – preferably with the file size reduced to 200-300 kb (warning, most digital cameras now produce file sizes of 1-8Mb, which are too big)

4- A pdf or background document as well if required

Get an idea of how to use the site, by visiting a couple of group sites that are using the Gateway. Easiest way is to go to www.landcarevic.net.au and click on one of the events coming up from a group, which will take you to their event. Then look at their main site.

Additional tool that may be of use for Landcare Groups - the Gateway has an email server which enables groups to have their own email address, such as group@landcarevic.net.au

The email can be managed via webmail, and allow full contact lists to be managed. This can avoid the issues of transferring group contacts from personal computers, as using this option would only require the login details to be handed over to the new executive member.

Emails can be one way only, where messages sent to the address are forwarded automatically to one or a group of executive email addresses, but the address cannot be used to send messages.

The email can also be fully functional, with messages received, sent and contact lists and address books maintained. The Email addresses are protected by a top line spam protection system, so it is also rare for junk to get through. If your group would like an email address, please also contact me with the preferred address and requirements.






Southern Grampians Adult Education

Hamilton ( above Kerr and Co.)

89 Gray St


10.00-2.00 pm

South West TAFE Portland


154 Heard St


10.00-2.00 pm

South West TAFE Warrnambool


Timor St


5.00 - 9.00 pm

Ararat Neighbourhood House


56 Campbell St


5.00 - 9.00 pm

We will provide a light lunch at the Hamilton and Portland sessions and there will be some snacks before the Warrnambool and Ararat sessions. Tea and coffee will be available.

Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. PLEASE VISIT THE SITE TO SEE WHAT IT CAN DO!


Tony Lithgow

Regional Landcare Coordinator

Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Ph. 55712526